Professor Raymond H.W. LI 李幸奐教授

Dr. Raymond H.W. LI hku_logo qmh_logo

Clinical Associate Professor

MBBS; MD (HK); FRCOG; FHKAM (O&G); Cert RCOG (Reproductive Medicine); Cert HKCOG (Reproductive Medicine)

location Department of O&G, Queen Mary Hospital
phone (852)-2255-4517
fax (852)-2855-0947
email HKU Scholars Hub
Research Interests
  • Clinical applications of anti-Mullerian hormone
  • Ulipristal and emergency contraception
  • Metabolic and endocrine aspects of polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Adrenomedullin and tubal ectopic pregnancy
  • Ng Y.T.D., Lo A., So E.W.S., Wong G.C.Y., Li R.H.W., Wong Y.Y. and Ng E.H.Y., A randomized controlled study of acupuncture for pain relief during first trimester surgical termination of pregnancy performed under local analgesia, Acupuncture in Medicine. 2022, 40, 224-231.
  • Xu M., Zhao M., Li R.H.W., Lin Z., Chung J.P.W., Li T.C., Lee T.-.L. and Chan D.Y.L., Effects of nonoxynol-9 (N-9) on sperm functions: systematic review and meta-analysis, Reproduction and Fertility. 2022, 3, R19-R33.
  • CHEN X., FERNANDO T.S.R., Lee C.Y.L., Yeung W.S.B., Ng E.H.Y., Li R.H.W. and Lee C.K.F., High-Throughput In Vitro Screening Identified Nemadipine as a Novel Suppressor of Embryo Implantation, International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022, 23, 5073.
  • Zhao Y., ZHANG Y., Liu D., Feng H., Wang X., Su J., Yao Y., Ng E.H.Y., Yeung W.S.B., Li R.H.W., Rodrigues-Wallberg K.A. and Liu K., Identification of curcumin as a novel potential drug for promoting the development of small ovarian follicles for infertility treatment, PNAS Nexus. 2022.
  • Guo W., Li R.H.W., Yang Z., Zeng L., Yang R., Qiao J., Li R. and Ng E.H.Y., Live birth after letrozole as an adjunct to follicle-stimulating hormone versus follicle-stimulating hormone alone for ovarian stimulation in in vitro fertilisation cycles—study protocol for a randomised controlled trial, Trials. 2022, 23.
  • Du S.K., Li R.H.W., Gemzell Danielsson E.K.M., Du Y.H., Zhang L., Diao W.Y. and Ho P.C., Prospective open-label non-inferiority randomised controlled trial comparing letrozole and mifepristone pretreatment in medical management of first trimester missed miscarriage: study protocol, BMJ Open. 2022, 12, e052192.
  • Mok Y.K.S., Cheung K.W., Wang W., Li R.H.W., Shek W.M.N. and Ng E.H.Y., The effects of not having continuous companion support during labour on pregnancy and neonatal outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic, Midwifery. 2022, 108, 103293.
  • Cao D., Shi F., Guo C., Liu Y., Lin Z., Zhang J., Li R.H.W., Yao Y., Liu K., Ng E.H.Y., Yeung W.S.B. and Wang T., A pathogenic DMC1 frameshift mutation causes nonobstructive azoospermia but not primary ovarian insufficiency in humans, Molecular Human Reproduction. 2021, 27.
  • Lam MT, Lock CHY, Lam KKW, Li RHW, Yeung WSB, Ng EHY (2021). A prospective study of variations in conventional semen parameters among local andrology laboratories. Journal of Man’s Health. Vol.17,Issue 2,April 2021 pp.95-100
  • Lai S.F., Choi S.N.S., Ho Y.B.W., Hung W.Y.W., Lam M.T., Law T.S.M., Ng Y.T.D., Tam C.T., Wan S.F., Li R.H.W., Leung W.C., Yeung W.S.B. and Ng E.H.Y., A questionnaire survey on patients’ willingness to pay with reference to the waiting time of public in-vitro fertilization treatment in Hong Kong, European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2021, 258, 430-436.
  • Du L., Li R.H.W., Ho P.C., Yuan W., Yang Y. and Ren T., A randomised controlled trial on the use of misoprostol 800 micrograms vaginally and 400 micrograms sublingually for first trimester abortion at less than 63 days of gestation, Chinese Journal of Clinical Rational Drug Use. 2021.
  • Lam KKW, Wong JYY, Cheung TM, Li RHW, Ng EHY, Yeung WSB (2021). A retrospective analysis of artificial oocyte activation in patients with low or no fertilization in intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Online ahead of print
  • Tong Y.W., Lo S.T.S., Fung B.W.K., Cameron S.T., Ng E.H.Y. and Li R.H.W., Acceptability of different mechanisms of action of contraception in women: a questionnaire survey, BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health. 2021, bmjsrh-2021-201110.
  • Li R.H.W., Robertson D.M., Burns C. and Ledger W.L., Challenges in Measuring AMH in the Clinical Setting, Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2021, 12.
  • Ko K.Y.J., Kan A., Leung P., Lee V.C.Y., Li R.H.W., Ledger W. and Ng E.H.Y., Comparison of the number of oocytes obtained after ovarian stimulation between Chinese and Caucasian women undergoing in vitro fertilization using a standardized stimulation regime, Journal of Ovarian Research. 2021, 14.
  • Zhao Y., Feng H., ZHANG Y., Zhang J., Wang X., Liu D., Wang T., Li R.H.W., Ng E.H.Y., Yeung W.S.B., Rodriguez-Wallberg K.A. and Liu K., Current Understandings of Core Pathways for the Activation of Mammalian Primordial Follicles, Cells. 2021, 10, 1491.
  • Ko JKY, Lam KKW, Cheng HHY, Lui MW, Yung SSF, Li RHW, Lau EYL, Ho PC, Yeung WSB, Ng EHY (2021). Fertility Preservation Programme in a Tertiary-Assisted Reproduction Unit in Hong Kong. Fertility & Reproduction. Vol. 03, No. 03, pp. 94-100.
  • Yung S.F.S., Lai S.F., Lam M.T., Lui M.W.E., Ko K.Y.J., Li R.H.W., Wong J.Y.Y., Lau Y.L.E., Yeung W.S.B. and Ng E.H.Y., Hyaluronic acid–enriched transfer medium for frozen embryo transfer: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial, Fertility and Sterility. 2021, 116, 1001-1009.
  • Lam M.T., Li R.H.W. and Ng E.H.Y., Impact of Endometrial Thickness and Volume Compaction on the Live Birth Rate Following Fresh Embryo Transfer of In Vitro Fertilization, Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine. 2021.
  • Lo S.T.S., Li R.H.W., Kok W.M., Wong C.Y.G., Ng E.H.Y. and Chan C.H.Y., Sexual function and quality of life in Chinese couples undergoing assisted reproductive treatment: a prospective cohort study, Human Fertility. 2021, 1-13.
  • Leung ETY, Lee CL, Tian X, Lam KKW, Li RHY, Ng EHY, Yeung WSB, Chiu PCN (2021). Simulating nature in sperm selection for assisted reproduction. Nature Review Urology. Online ahead of print.
  • Li M., ZHENG J., Li G., Lin Z., LI D., Liu D., Feng H., Cao D., Ng E.H.Y., Li R.H.W., Han C., Yeung W.S.B., Chow L.T., Wang H. and Liu K., The male germline-specific protein MAPS is indispensable for pachynema progression and fertility, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2021, 118, e2025421118.
  • Yiu J.H.C., CHEUNG W.M., CAI J., Chan K.S., CHEN J., Cheong L.Y., CHAU H.T., Xu A., Li R.H.W. and Woo W.H.C., TLR5 Supports Development of Placental Labyrinthine Zone in Mice, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2021, 9.
  • Chan M.K.D., Cheung K.W., Ko K.Y.J., Yung S.F.S., Lai S.F., Lam M.T., Ng Y.T.D., Lee V.C.Y., Li R.H.W. and Ng E.H.Y., Use of oral progestogen in women with threatened miscarriage in the first trimester: a randomized double-blind controlled trial, Human Reproduction. 2021, 36, 587-595.
  • Wang X, Lee CL (Co-first author), Vijayan M, Yeung WSB, Ng EHY, Wang X, Li HWR, Zhang Y, Chiu PCN. Adrenomedullin insufficiency alters macrophage activities in pro-inflammatory conditions: a pathophysiologic explanation of tubal ectopic pregnancy. Mucosal Immunology.
  • Cao M, Chan RWS, Cheng FHC, Xua S, Li J, Li T, Pang RTK, Lee CL, Li RHW, Ng EHY, Chiu PCN, Yeung WSB. Myometrial cells stimulate self-renewal of endometrial mesenchymal stem-like cells through WNT5A/β-catenin signaling. Stem cells. 2019. 37(11):1455–1466.
  • Liang S, Kinghorn AB, Voliotis M, Prague JK, Veldhuis JD, Tsaneva-Atanasova K, McArdle CA, Li RHW, Cass AEG, Dhillo WS, Tanner JA. Measuing luteinising hormone pulsatility with a  robotic aptamier- enabled electrochemical reader. Nat Commun. 2019 Feb 20;10(1):852.

  • Chan H.S.S., Li R.H.W., Lee V.C.Y., Tang M.H.Y. and Ng E.H.Y., Knowledge, Attitude And Ethical Consideration Of Chinese Couples Requesting Preimplantation Genetic Testing In Hong Kong., J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2019.

  • Chan C.H.Y., Lau B.H.P., Wong Q.S., Tam M.Y.J., So Y.K.G., Leung H.T., Fung Y.L., Chan C.L.W., Li R.H.W. and Ng E.H.Y., Comparing the effectiveness of I-BMS-informed self-help interventions in alleviating psychosocial distress for women awaiting the outcome of IVF treatment, In: Lee Geok Ling, Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. 2019.

  • LIANG S., Kinghorn A.B., Voliotis M., Prague J.K., Veldhuis J.D., Tsaneva-Atanasova K., McArdle C.A., Li R.H.W., Cass A.E.G., Dhillo W.S. and Tanner J.A., Measuring luteinising hormone pulsatility with a robotic aptamer-enabled electrochemical reader, Nature Communications. 2019, 10, 852.

  • Lee C.L., Vijayan M., Wang X., Lam K.W., Koistinen H., Seppala M., Li R.H.W., Ng E.H.Y., Yeung W.S.B. and Chiu C.N., Glycodelin-A stimulates the conversion of human peripheral blood CD16−CD56bright NK cell to a decidual NK cell-like phenotype, Human Reproduction. 2019, 34, 689-701.

  • Li R.H.W., Ko K.Y.J., Lee V.C.Y., Yung S.F.S., Lau Y.L.E., Yeung W.S.B., Ho P.C. and Ng E.H.Y., Comparing antral follicle count and serum anti?Mullerian hormone level for determination of gonadotrophin dosing in in?vitro fertilisation: a randomized trial , Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2019.

  • Li R.H.W., Resche-Rigon M., Bagchi I.C., Gemzell Danielsson E.K.M. and Glasier A., Does ulipristal acetate emergency contraception (ELLA®) interfere with implantation?, Contraception. 2019.

  • Li R.H.W. and Gemzell Danielsson E.K.M., Mechanisms of action of emergency contraception pills, The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care. 2019, 24, 11-12.

  • Wang X., Lee C.L., Li R.H.W., Vijayan M., Duan Y., Yeung W.S.B., Zhang Y.Z. and Chiu C.N., Alteration of the immune cell profiles in the pathophysiology of tubal ectopic pregnancy, American Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2019, 81, e13093.

  • Wong H.Y.Q., Lui M.W.E., Yung S.F.S., Ko K.Y.J., Li R.H.W. and Ng E.H.Y., Randomized controlled trial of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for pain relief during transvaginal oocyte retrieval using conscious sedation: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Trials. 2019, 20.

  • Lai S.F., Li R.H.W., Yeung W.S.B. and Ng E.H.Y., Effect of paternal age on semen parameters and live birth rate of in-vitro fertilisation treatment: a retrospective analysis, Hong Kong Medical Journal. 2018. (Publication No. : 295766)

  • Li R.H.W., Tank J. and Haththotuwa R., Updated status of assisted reproductive technology activities in the Asia-Oceania region, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research. 2018, 44: 1667-1672. (Publication No. : 293220)

  • Chan C.H.Y., Lau B.H.P., Wong Q.S., Tam M.Y.J., So Y.K.G., Leung H.T., Fung Y.L., Chan C.L.W., Li R.H.W. and Ng E.H.Y., Comparing the effectiveness of I-BMS-informed self-help interventions in alleviating psychosocial distress for women awaiting the outcome of IVF treatment, In: Lee Geok Ling, Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. 2019.

  • Wong H.Y.Q., Li R.H.W., Lam K.S.L., Tam S., Shek C.C., Lee V.C.Y., Yeung W.S.B., Ho P.C. and Ng E.H.Y., Independent association of serum vitamin D with anti-Mullerian hormone levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, Clinical Endocrinology. 2018. (Publication No. : 293219)

  • Wong Q.H.Y., Yeung T.W.Y., Yung S.F.S., Ko K.Y.J., Li R.H.W. and Ng E.H.Y., The effect of 12-month dehydroepiandrosterone supplementation on the menstrual pattern, ovarian reserve markers, and safety profile in women with premature ovarian insufficiency, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 2018, 35: 857-862. (Publication No. : 289307)

  • Wong QHY, Yeung TWY, Yung SSF, Ko JKY, Li HWR, Ng EHY. The effect of 12-month dehydroepiandrosterone supplementation on the menstrual pattern, ovarian reserve markers, and safety profile in women with premature ovarian insufficiency. J Assist Reprod Genet 2018.

  • Cameron S.T., Li R.H.W. and Gemzell Danielsson E.K.M., Current controversies with oral emergency contraception, BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2017

  • Iliodromiti S., Salje B., Dewailly D., Fairburn C., Fanchin R., Fleming R., Li R.H.W., Lukaszuk K., Ng E.H.Y., Pigny P., Tadros T., van Helden J., Weiskirchen R. and Nelson S.M., Non-equivalence of anti-Müllerian hormone automated assays—clinical implications for use as a companion diagnostic for individualised gonadotrophin dosing, Human Reproduction. 2017, 32: 1710-1715.

  • Lee VCY, Li RHW, Yeung WSB, Pak Chung HO, Ng EHY. A randomized double-blinded controlled trial of hCG as luteal phase support in natural cycle frozen embryo transfer. Hum Reprod. 2017 May 1;32(5):1130-1137.


  • Li HWR, Li YX, Li TT, Fan H, Ng EH, Yeung WS, Ho PC, Lee KF. Effect of ulipristal acetate and mifepristone at emergency contraception dose on the embryo-endometrial attachment using an in vitro human trophoblastic spheroid and endometrial cell co-culture model. Hum Reprod. 2017 Dec 1;32(12):2414-2422. doi: 10.1093/humrep/dex328.

  • Wong Y.M., Li R., Lee K.F., Wan H.T., Wong C.K.C. The measurement of bisphenol A and its analogues, perfluorinated compounds in twenty species of freshwater and marine fishes, a time-trend comparison and human health based assessment. Mar Pollut Bull. 2017 May 25. pii: S0025-326X(17)30432-0. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.05.046.

  • Chan DM, Cheung KW, Yung SS, Lee VC, Li RH, Ng EH. A randomized double-blind controlled trial of the use of dydrogesterone in women with threatened miscarriage in the first trimester: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2016;17(1):408.

  • Ko K.Y.J., Chai J., Lee V.C.Y., Li R.H.W., Lau Y.L.E., Ho K.L., Tam P.C., Yeung W.S.B., Ho P.C. and Ng E.H.Y., Sperm retrieval rate and pregnancy rate in infertile couples undergoing in-vitro fertilisation and testicular sperm extraction for non-obstructive azoospermia in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Medical Journal. 2016, 22(6): 556-562.

  • Ko K.Y.J., Li R.H.W., Lam K.S.L., Tam S., Lee V.C.Y., Yeung T.W.Y., Ho P.C. and Ng E.H.Y., Serum adiponectin is independently associated with the metabolic syndrome in Hong Kong, Chinese women with polycystic ovary syndrome, Gynecological Endocrinology. 2016, 32: 390-394.

  • Li R.H.W., Lo S.T.S., Ng E.H.Y. and Ho P.C., Efficacy of ulipristal acetate for emergency contraception and its effect on the subsequent bleeding pattern when administered before or after ovulation, Human Reproduction. 2016, 31: 1200-1207.

  • Yeung T.W.Y., Chai J., Li R.H.W., Lee V.C.Y., Ho P.C. and Ng E.H.Y., A double-blind randomised controlled trial on the effect of dehydroepiandrosterone on ovarian reserve markers, ovarian response and number of oocytes in anticipated normal ovarian responders, British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2016, 123: 1097–1105.

  • Yung SS, Lai SF, Lam MT, Lee VC, Li RH, Ho PC, Ng EH. Randomized, controlled, double-blind trial of topical lidocaine gel and intrauterine lidocaine infusion for pain relief during saline contrast sonohysterography. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2016;47(1):17-21.

  • Yung SS, Lee VC, Chiu PC, Li HW, Ng EH, Yeung WS, Ho PC. The effect of 7 days of letrozole pretreatment combined with misoprostol on the expression of progesterone receptor and apoptotic factors of placental and decidual tissues from first-trimester abortion: a randomized controlled trial. Contraception 2016:93(4):323-30.

  • Chai J, Lee VCY, Yeung TW., Li RHW, Ho PC and Ng EHY Live birth and cumulative live birth rates in expected poor ovarian responders defined by the Bologna criteria following IVF/ICSI treatment. PLoS One 2015 Mar 6;10(3):e0119149.

  • Ko JK, Li RH, Cheung VY. Caesarean scar pregnancy: a 10-year experience. The Australian & New Zealand journal of obstetrics & gynaecology. 2015;55(1):64-9.

  • Ko JK, Li RH, Cheung VY. Two-dimensional versus three-dimensional laparoscopy: evaluation of physicians' performance and preference using a pelvic trainer. Journal of minimally invasive gynecology 2015;22(3):421-7.

  • Lam KW, Li RHW, Ng EHY, Ho PC and Yeung WSB., Semen analysis - what a clinician should know. Journal of Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Singapore 2015, Jan: 37-44.

  • Li HW, Liao SB, Chiu PC, Yeung WS, Ng EH, Cheung AN, Tang F, O WS. Effects of adrenomedullin on the expression of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in oviducts from women with tubal ectopic pregnancy: an in-vitro experimental study. Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2015 Nov 5;13(1):120. [Medline]

  • Li RHW, Lam KSL, Tam S, Lee VCY, Yeung TWY, Cheung PT, Yeung WSB, Ho PC and Ng EHY. Screening for dysglycaemia by oral glucose tolerance test should be recommended in all women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Human Reproduction 2015, 30(9): 2178-2183.

  • So KH, Kodithuwakku SP, Kottawatta KS, Li RH, Chiu PC, Cheung AN, Ng EH, Yeung WS, Lee KF.Human chorionic gonadotropin stimulates spheroid attachment on fallopian tube epithelial cells through the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway and down-regulation of olfactomedin-1. Fertil Steril. 2015 May 18. pii: S0015-0282(15)00304-0. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2015.04.030. [Epub ahead of print]

  • Wan HLT, Hui PW, Li RHW and Ng EHY. Obstetric outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and isolated polycystic ovaries undergoing in vitro fertilization: a retrospective cohort analysis. Journal of Maternal and Fetal Neonatal Medicine 2015, 28: 475-478.

  • Yeung TWY, Chai J, Li RHW, Lee VCY, Ho PC and Ng EHY. Reply: Endometrial injury and reproductive outcomes: there's more to this story than meets the horse's blind eye. Human Reproduction 2015, 3: 749-750.

  • Chai J, Yeung TWY, Lee VCY, Li RHW, Lau EYL, Yeung WSB, Ho PC and Ng EHY. Live birth rate, multiple pregnancy rate, and obstetric outcomes of elective single and double embryo transfers: Hong Kong experience. Hong Kong Medical Journal 2014, 20(2):102-106.

  • Chai J, Yeung WY, Lee CY, Li HW, Ho PC, Ng HY. Live birth rates following in vitro fertilization in women with thyroid autoimmunity and/or subclinical hypothyroidism. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2014 Jan;80(1):122-7. [PubMed]

  • Chai J, Yeung WYT, Lee VCY, Li RHW, Ho PC, Ng HYE. Live birth rates following in vitro fertilization in women with thyroid autoimmunity and/or subclinical hypothyroidism.  Clin Endocrinol (Oxf) 2014; 82(1): 122-127.

  • Ko JKY, Huang VW, Li RHW, Yeung WSB, Ho PC and Chiu CN. An in vitro study of the effect of mifepristone and ulipristal acetate on human sperm functions. Andrology 2014;2(6):868-874.

  • Lee VCY, Li RHW, Chai J, Yeung TWY, Yeung WSB, Ho PC and Ng EHY. Effect of preovulatory progesterone elevation and duration of progesterone elevation on the pregnancy rate of frozen–thawed embryo transfer in natural cycles. Fertility and Sterility 2014, 101: 1288-1293.

  • Li HW, Liao SB, Yeung WS, Ng EH, O WS, Ho PC. Ulipristal acetate resembles mifepristone in modulating human Fallopian tube function.Hum Reprod. 2014 Aug 19. pii: deu210. [Epub ahead of print]

  • Li RHW, Lee VCY, Ho PC and Ng EHY. Ovarian sensitivity index is a better measure of ovarian responsiveness to gonadotrophin stimulation than the number of oocytes during in-vitro fertilization treatment. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 2014, 31: 199-203.

  • Li RHW, Lee VCY, Lau EYL, Yeung WSB, Ho PC and Ng EHY. Cumulative live-birth rate in women with polycystic ovary syndrome or isolated polycystic ovaries undergoing in-vitro fertilisation treatment. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 2014, 31: 205-211.

  • Li RHW, Lee VCY, Lau EYL, Yeung WSB, Ho PC and Ng EHY. Role of baseline antral follicle count and anti-Mullerian hormone in the index stimulation cycle of IVF treatment in predicting outcome of subsequent frozen-thawed embryo transfers. Gynecological Endocrinology 2014 30: 490-493.

  • Li RHW, Lee VCY, Lau EYL, Yeung WSB, Ho PC, Ng EHY. Ovarian response and cumulative live birth rate of women undergoing in-vitro fertilisation who had discordant anti-mullerian hormone and antral follicle count measurements: a retrospective study.  PLoS One 014;9(10):e108493.

  • Li RHW, Liao S., Yeung WSB, Ng EHY, O WS and Ho PC. Ulipristal acetate resembles mifepristone in modulating human Fallopian tube function. Human Reproduction 2014 29: 2156-2162.

  • Li RHW, Lo STS and Ho PC. Emergency contraception. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2014, 28: 835-844.

  • Lui MWE, Shek NWM, Li RHW, Chu SKF and Pun TC. Management of heterotopic cesarean scar pregnancy by repeated transvaginal ultrasonographic-guided aspiration with successful preservation of normal intrauterine pregnancy and complicated by arteriovenous malformation. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2014, 175: 209-210.

  • Ng EHY, Li RHW, Chen L, Lan VT, Tuong HM, Quan S.  A randomized double blind comparison of atosiban in patients undergoing IVF treatment.  Hum Reprod 2014;29(12):2687-2694.

  • Seto MT, Yeung TWY, Li RHW, Ng EHY. Comparison of on-going pregnancy rates and multiple pregnancy rates of intrauterine insemination with ovarian stimulation using the clomiphene citrate versus gonadotrophin protocols. Hong Kong J Gynaecol Obstet Midwifery 2014; 14:89-92

  • Yeung TWY, Chai J, Li RHW, Lee VCY, Ho PC and Ng EHY. A randomized, controlled, pilot trial on the effect of dehydroepiandrosterone on ovarian response markers, ovarian response, and in vitro fertilization outcomes in poor responders. Fertility and Sterility 2014, 102: 108-115.e1.

  • Yeung TWY, Chai J, Li RHW, Lee VCY, Ho PC, Ng EHY. The effect of endometrial injury on ongoing pregnancy rate in unselected subfertile women undergoing in vitro fertilization: a randomized controlled trial. Hum Reprod 2014; 29(11): 2474-2481.

  • Chung BH, Luk HM, Lo IF, Lam ST, Li RH. A second report of p.Pro986Leu variant in COL2A1-phenotypic overlap with SEDC and other forms of type II collagenopathies. Am J Med Genet A. 2013 Apr;161A(4):918-20. [Medline]

  • Lee VC, Li RH, Ng EH, Yeung WS, Ho PC. Luteal phase support does not improve the clinical pregnancy rate of natural cycle frozen-thawed embryo transfer: a retrospective analysis. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2013 Jul;169(1):50-3. [PubMed]

  • Li HW, Lee VC, Lau EY, Yeung WS, Ho PC, Ng EH. Role of baseline antral follicle count and anti-Mullerian hormone in prediction of cumulative live birth in the first in vitro fertilisation cycle: a retrospective cohort analysis. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 23;8(4):e61095. [PubMed]

  • O WS, Li HWR, Liao SB, Cheung ANY, Ng EHY, Yeung WSB, Ho JC, Tang F. The decreases in adrenomedullin and ciliary beat frequency in the nasal epithelium in tubal pregnancy Fertil Steril (2013 Aug;100(2):459-463 [PubMed]

  • Yeung TW, Li RH, Lee VC, Ho PC, Ng EH. A randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial on the effect of dehydroepiandrosterone for 16 weeks on ovarian response markers in women with primary ovarian insufficiency. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Jan;98(1):380-8. [PubMed]

  • Li HW, Ng EH, Wong BP, Anderson RA, Ho PC, Yeung WS. Correlation between three assay systems for anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) determination. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2012 Dec;29(12):1443-6.

  • Liao SB, Li HW, Ho JC, Yeung WS, Ng EH, Cheung AN, Tang F, O WS. Possible role of adrenomedullin in the pathogenesis of tubal ectopic pregnancy. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Jun;97(6):2105-12. [PubMed]

  • Yeung TWY, Lee CYV, Li HWR, Ng EHY. HKCOG guidelines: induction of ovulation. Journal of Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2012;Jan/Feb, 5-31.

  • Lee VC, Yung SS, Li RH, Watzer B, Schweer H, Ng EH, Ho PC. A randomized comparison of pharmacokinetics of a single vaginal dose of dry misoprostol or misoprostol moistened with normal saline or with acetic acid. Hum Reprod. 2011 Nov;26(11):2981-7. [PubMed]

  • Li HWR, Yeung WSB, Lau EY, Ho PC, Ng EHY. Evaluating the performance of serum antimullerian hormone concentration in predicting the live birth rate of controlled ovarian stimulation and intrauterine insemination. Fertil Steril. 2010;94:2177-81. [PubMed]

  • Li RHW, Anderson RA, Yeung WS, Ho PC, Ng EH. Evaluation of serum antimullerian hormone and inhibin B concentrations in the differential diagnosis of secondary oligoamenorrhea. Fertil Steril. 2011 Sep;96(3):774-9. [PubMed]

  • Li RHW, Brereton RE, Anderson RA, Ho CKM.  Vitamin D deficiency is common and associated with metabolic risk factors in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome.  Metabolism 2011;60:1475-1481.

  • Li RHW, Gebbie AE, Wong RWS, Ng EHY, Glasier AF, Ho PC. The use of sex hormones in women with rheumatological diseases. Hong Kong Med J 2011;17(6):487-491.

  • Li RHW, Lo SST, Ng EHY, Ho PC. An update on emergency contraception. J Paediat, Obst & Gyna 2011;36:81-88.

  • Li RHW, Ng EHY, Ho PC. Handbook on Managing Infertility (Meeting the Challenges in Low-Resource Settings) - Asia and Oceania Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Infertility 2011;11:105-111.

  • Li RHW, Wong GCY, Yeung WSB, Ho PC, Ng EHY. Serum anti-mullerian hormone level is not altered in women using hormonal contraceptives. Contraception 2011;83:582-585.

  • Kini S, Li HWR, Morrell D, Pickering S, Thong KJ.  Anti-mullerian hormone and cumulative pregnancy outcome in in-vitro fertilization.  J Assist Reprod Genet 2010;27:449-456.

  • Li HWR, Anderson RA. Recent advances in hormonal contraception. F1000 Med Rep 2010;2:58.

  • Li HWR, Hui PW, Tang MHY, Lau ET, Yeung WSB, Ho PC, Ng EHY. Maternal serum anti-Mullerian hormone level is not superior to chronological age in predicting Down syndrome pregnancies. Prenat Diagn. 2010;30:320-4.

  • Li HWR, Liao S, Chiu PCN, Tam WW, Ho JCM, Ng EHY, Ho PC, Yeung WSB, Tang F, O WS, Expression of adrenomedullin in human oviduct, its regulaton by the hormonal cycle and contact with spermatozoa, and its effect on ciliary beat frequency of the oviductal epithelium, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2010;95:E18-E25. (Publication No. : 182871) 

  • Li HWR, Ng EHY, Ho PC. Clinical applications of misoprostol in gynaecology.  J Paed Obstet Gynaecol 2010;36: 81-88.

  • Li HWR, van Esch M, de Vries J, Duncan WC, Anderson RA. Gonadotrophin ovulation induction is a successful treatment for World Health Organisation Group II Anovulatory Subfertility in women aged up to 40 and with body mass index up to 34. Hum Fertil 2010;13:35-40.

  • Yeung WS, Li RH, Cheung TM, Ng EH, Lau EY, Ho PC. Frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles. Hong Kong Med J. 2009;15:420-6.

Research Grants

  • A longitudinal study of endocrine and metabolic parameters in Chinese women with polycystic ovary syndrome (Hong Kong Obstetrical and Gynaecological Trust Fund)
  • An in vitro study of endocrine factors regulating expression of anti-Mullerian hormone in human granulosa cells (Small Project Funding, HKU)

Professional Activities

  • Honorary Medical Consultant, The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong
  • Secretary and Member, Reproductive Medicine Subspecialty Board, Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
  • Member, Working Group on Diploma of Community Gynaecology, Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
  • Member, Guideline Subcommittee, Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
  • Member, Manpower Subcommittee, Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.