Dr. Mimi T.Y. SETO 司徒天欣醫生

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location 6/F, Professorial Block, Queen Mary Hospital
phone (852)-2255-4517
fax (852)-2855-0947
  • See WSQ, Seto TYM, Poon WG, Tung JY. Rare manifestation of hyperreactio luteinalis: when both the mother and baby girl are virilised. BMJ Case Rep. 2022 Nov 22;15(11):e250648. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2022-250648. PMID: 36414345; PMCID: PMC9685249.
  • Cheung KW, Seto MTY, Wang W, Ng CT, To WWK, Ng EHY. Trend and causes of maternal death, stillbirth and neonatal death over seven decades in Hong Kong. Lancet Reg Health West Pac. 2022 Jul 6;26:100523. doi: 10.1016/j.lanwpc.2022.100523. PMID: 35833208; PMCID: PMC9272372.
  • Cheung K.W., Seto T.Y.M., Wang W., Mok Y.K.S. and Cheung V.Y.T., Clinical presentation, investigation, underlying causes, and subsequent pregnancy outcomes among different phenotypes of second trimester miscarriage, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research. 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jog.15514
  • Lai H.T.T., Kwok S.T.G., Wang W., Seto T.Y.M. and Cheung K.W., Fear of childbirth: Validation study of the Chinese version of Wijma delivery expectancy / experience questionnaire version B, Midwifery. 2022, 108, 103296.
  • Lai H.T.T., Kwok S.T.G., Wang W., Seto T.Y.M. and Cheung K.W., Fear of childbirth: Validation study of the Chinese version of Wijma delivery expectancy/experience questionnaire version A, Midwifery. 2022, 104, 103188.
  • PW Hui, Mimi TY Seto and KW Cheung. Behavioural adaptations and responses to obstetric care among pregnant women during an early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong: a cross-sectional survey. Hong Kong Med J 2022, Oct;28(5):367-75 | Epub 1 Aug 2022. https://doi.org/10.12809/hkmj209032
  • Lai H.T.T., Seto T.Y.M. and Cheung V.Y.T., Uterine rupture following ultrasound‐guided high‐intensity focused ultrasound ablation of uterine fibroids and adenomyosis, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2022.
  • Hui P.W., Seto T.Y.M. and Cheung K.W., Combined interstitial laser cauterisation of placental anastomosis and intrauterine intracardiac transfusion following monochorionic co-twin demise: a case report, Hong Kong Medical Journal. 2021, 27, 293-296. http://dx.doi.org/10.12809/hkmj208806
  • Cheung K.W., Seto T.Y.M., Tsui P.M., So P.L., Wong D., Kong C.W., Wang W. and Ng E.H.Y., Knowledge, perception and expectation of management of hepatitis B infection among pregnant hepatitis B carriers in Hong Kong
  • Cheung K.W., Optimal Management of Pregnant Hepatitis B Carriers to Achieve Complete Eradication of Hepatitis B Infection in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Medical Diary. 2021, 26(3), 7-9.
  • Mok Y.K.S., Seto T.Y.M., Lai H.T.T., Wang W. and Cheung K.W., Pitfalls of International Classification of Diseases – Perinatal mortality in analysing stillbirths, Public Health. 2021, 201, 12-18. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2021.09.032
  • Hui P.W., Seto T.Y.M. and Cheung K.W., Postnatal depression scores and maternal characteristics during COVID-19 pandemic, BJOG 2021, Special Issue: Top Scoring Abstracts of the RCOG Virtual World Congress 2021. 128, 185-213. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1471-0528.15_16715
  • Seto MT, Bertoli-Avella AM, Cheung KW, Chan KY, Yeung KS, Fung JL, Beetz C, Bauer P, Luk HM, Lo IF, Lee CP, Chung BH, Kan AS. Prenatal and postnatal diagnosis of Schuurs-Hoeijmakers syndrome: Case series and review of the literature. Am J Med Genet A. 2021 Feb;185(2):384-389.
  • Seto T.Y.M. and Cheung K.W., Prevention of maternal-to-child transmission of hepatitis B: a narrative review, Hong Kong Journal of Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Midwifery. 2021, 21, 49-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.12809/hkjgom.21.1.07
  • Li PH, Chan SCW, Lau CS, Seto MTY, Chung HY. Conventional and Biologic Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs Are Not Associated With Increase in or Progression of Cervical Neoplasia Among Patients With Spondyloarthritis. J Clin Rheumatol. 2020 Oct 22.
  • Seto MT, Cheung KW, Hung IFN. Management of viral hepatitis A, C, D and E in pregnancy. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol. 2020 Mar 21:S1521-6934(20)30050-X.
  • Cheung KW, Seto MTY, Kan ASY, Wong D, Kou TKO, So PL, Lau WL, Wong RMS, Lee CP, Ng EHY. Maternal and obstetric factors of hepatitis B immunisation failure in Hong Kong: a multicentre prospective study: abridged secondary publication. Hong Kong Med J. 2020 Dec;26 Suppl 6(6):24-25.
  • Cheung K.W., Seto T.Y.M. and Kilby M.D., Delayed interval delivery when the presenting fetus is in breech presentation, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ajog.2019.09.030

  • Cheung K.W., Seto T.Y.M., Wang W., Lai W.S.C., Kilby M.D. and Ng E.H.Y., Effect of delayed interval delivery of remaining fetus(es) in multiple pregnancies on survival: a systematic review and meta-analysis, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ajog.2019.07.046

  • Cheung K.W., Seto T.Y.M., So P.L., Wong D., Mak S.L.A., Lau W.L., Wang W., Kan S.Y.A., Lee C.P. and Ng E.H.Y., Optimal timing of hepatitis B virus DNA quantification and clinical predictors for higher viral load during pregnancy, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. 2019, 98, 1301-1306. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/aogs.13631

  • Cheung K.W., Seto T.Y.M., Wong S., Mak S.L.A., So P.L., Lau W.L., Wang W., Kan S.Y.A., Lee C.P. and Ng E.H.Y., Pattern and predictors of medical care received by hepatitis B carriers during pregnancy and after delivery, Public Health. 2019, 168, 36-42. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2018.12.008

  • Cheung K.W., Tan L.N., Seto T.Y.M., Moholkar S., Masson G. and Kilby M.D., Prenatal Diagnosis, Management, and Outcome of Fetal Subdural Haematoma: A Case Report and Systematic Review, Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy. 2019, 1-11. http://dx.doi.org/10.1159/000496202

  • Cheung K.W., Seto T.Y.M. and Lao T.H.T., Prevention of perinatal hepatitis B virus transmission, Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2019, 300, 251-259. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00404-019-05190-0

  • Cheung K.W., Seto T.Y.M., So P.L., Wong D., Mak S.L.A., Lau W.L., Lau W.L., Kan S.Y.A., Lee C.P. and Ng E.H.Y., The effect of rupture of membranes and labour on the risk of hepatitis B vertical transmission: Prospective multicentre observational study, European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. 2019, 232, 97-100. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejogrb.2018.11.017

  • Cheung K.W., Seto T.Y.M. and Ng E.H.Y., What is the optimal timing of antiviral treatment in pregnant hepatitis B carriers with extremely high viral load?, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/aogs.13721

  • Seto T.Y.M., Ko K.Y.J., Cheung K.W., To K.K.W., Hui P.W., Lao T.H.T. and Lee C.P., The Accuracy of Self-Screening of Group B Streptococcus in Pregnant Women—A Randomized Crossover Study, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 2019, 41, 792-797. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jogc.2018.08.003

  • Cheung K.W., Seto T.Y.M. and Ng E.H.Y., Tenofovir to Prevent Perinatal Transmission of Hepatitis B, New England Journal of Medicine. 2018, 378: 2348-2350. http://dx.doi.org/10.1056/NEJMc1805396 (Publication No. : 293589)

  • Cheung K.W., Seto T.Y.M., Kan S.Y.A., Jalal K., Chee W.Y.Y., Wong R.M.S., Lee C.P. and Ng E.H.Y., Immunoprophylaxis Failure of Infants Born to Hepatitis B Carrier Mothers Following Routine Vaccination, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2018, 16: 144-145. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cgh.2017.07.013 (Publication No. : 292449)

  • Ko K.Y.J., Seto T.Y.M. and Cheung V.Y.T., Thermal bowel injury after ultrasound-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound treatment of uterine adenomyosis, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology. 2018, 52: 282-283. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/uog.18965 (Publication No. : 293591)

  • Cheung K.W., Seto M.T.Y., Kan A.S.Y., Wong D., Kou T.K.O., So P.L., Lau W.L., Jalal K., Chee Y.Y., Wong R.M.S., Lee C.P., Ng E.H.Y. (2017) Immunoprophylaxis failure of infants born to Hepatitis B carrier mothers following routine vaccination. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Jul 18. pii: S1542-3565(17)30850-9. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2017.07.013

  • Cheung KW, Yan Seto MT, Yau Kan AS, Wong D, On Kou TK, So PL, et. al. Immunoprophylaxis Failure of Infants Born to Hepatitis B Carrier Mothers Following Routine Vaccination. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Jul 18. pii: S1542-3565(17)30850-9.

  • Seto M.T.Y., Cheung K.W., Lo T.K., Ng E.H.Y., Pregnancy outcomes of women randomized to receive real versus placebo acupuncture on the day of fresh or frozen-thawed embryo transfer. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2017 Nov;218:119-122.

  • Ko JK, Yung SS, Seto MT, Lee CP. A questionnaire study on the acceptability of self-sampling versus screening by clinicians for Group B Streptococcus. J Chin Med Assoc. 2016 Feb;79(2):83-7.

  • Seto MT, Ip PPC, Ngu SF, Cheung ANY, Pun TC. Positive predictive value of endometrial polyps in Pipelle aspiration sampling: A histopathological study of 195 cases. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2016 Apr 30;203:12-15.

  • Seto T.Y.M., Ip P.C.P., Ngu S.F., Cheung A.N.Y. and Pun T.C., Positive predictive value of endometrial polyps in Pipelle aspiration sampling: a histopathological study of 195 cases., Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol.. 2016, 203: 12-15.

  • Ko JK, Seto MT, Ngu SF, Cheung VT. Urethral prolapse in a postmenopausal woman. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. J Obstet Gynaecol Can 2014. Feb;36(2):105.

  • Ko JKY, Seto TYM, Ngu SF and Cheung VYT. Urethral Prolapse In A Postmenopausal Woman. J Obstet Gynaecol Canada 2014, 36(2): 105.

  • Seto MT, Yeung TWY, Li RHW, Ng EHY. Comparison of on-going pregnancy rates and multiple pregnancy rates of intrauterine insemination with ovarian stimulation using the clomiphene citrate versus gonadotrophin protocols. Hong Kong J Gynaecol Obstet Midwifery 2014; 14:89-92

  • Cheung KW, Seto MT, Lee CP. Mother-to-infant transmission of hepatitis B virus infection: significance of maternal viral load and strategies for intervention. J Hepatol. 2013 Aug.

  • Cheung KW, Seto MT, Wong SF. Towards complete eradication of hepatitis B infection from perinatal transmission: review of the mechanisms of in utero infection and the use of antiviral treatment during pregnancy. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2013 Mar 4.