Dr. Heidi H.Y. CHENG 鄭曉怡醫生
Associate Consultant MBBS (HK); MRCOG; FHKCOG, FHKAM(O&G) |
4/F, Block K, Queen Mary Hospital | |
(852)-2255-3400, (852)-2255-3401 or (852)-2255-4700 | |
(852)-2817-5374 |
- Cheng HYH, Chow JFC, Lam KKW, Lai SF, Yeung WSB, Ng EHY. “Optimizing Non-Invasive Preimplantation Genetic Testing: Investigating Culture Conditions, Sample Collection, and IVF Treatment for Improved Non-Invasive PGT-A Results.” Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics 41.2 (2024): 465–472
- Cheng, H.Y.H., Chow, J.F.C., Lam, K.K.W., Lai,S.F., Yeung, W.S.B., & Ng, E.H.Y. (2023). Randomised double-blind controlled trial of non-invasive preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy in in vitro fertilisation: a protocol paper. BMJ Open, 13(7), e072557–e072557
- Ko JKY, Lam KKW, Cheng HHY, Lui MW, Yung SSF, Li RHW, Lau EYL, Ho PC, Yeung WSB, Ng EHY (2021). Fertility Preservation Programme in a Tertiary-Assisted Reproduction Unit in Hong Kong. Fertility & Reproduction. Vol. 03, No. 03, pp. 94-100.
Chow, J., Cheng, H., Lau, E., Yeung, W., & Ng, E. (2020). Distinguishing between carrier and noncarrier embryos with the use of long-read sequencing in preimplantation genetic testing for reciprocal translocations. Genomics, 112(1), 494-500
- Chow JFC, Cheng HHY, Lau EYL, Yeung WSB, Ng EHY. Selective transfer of euploid noncarrier embryos with the use of long-read sequencing in preimplantation genetic testing or reciprocal translocation. Reproductive biomedicine online. 2019;39:e14-e5.
- Chow JFC, Cheng HHY, Lau EYL, Yeung WSB, Ng EHY. High-resolution mapping of reciprocal translocation breakpoints using long-read sequencing. MethodsX. 2019;6:2499-503.
Cheng H.Y.H. and Kan S.Y.A., Updates on Screening for Carriers of Genetic Diseases, Journal Of Paediatrics, obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2018, 44. (Publication No. : 293605)
Cheng H.Y.H. and Cheung V.Y.T., Patients on Long-Term Warfarin Undergo Gynecological Surgeries: A 10-Year Review of Peri-Operative Anticoagulation, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 2017
Cheng H.Y.H., Kan A.S., Hui P.W., Lee C.P., Tang M.H.Y., Bridging the gap from prenatal karyotyping to whole-genome array comparative genomic hybridization in Hong Kong: survey on knowledge and acceptance of health-care providers and pregnant women. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2017 Dec;296(6):1109-1116.